As with all towns the retailers constantly change. Here are some that have been lost over the years.

Baileys, at 21 The Parade, closed in February 2020.
Crusty Cob Littleham Road Exmouth
The Crusty Cob chain of bakers shops ceased trading in March 2025 after 55 years in business. The photo shows the Littleham shop. Other Exmouth branches were located on Rolle Street and the Strand. In total there were 9 shops and a bakery near Exeter Airport employing over 100 people.
Panters at 25 The Parade closed in March 2018. This was a business that could trace its roots back more than 120 years.

The Exmouth branch of Woolworths opened at 37 The Parade in 1933, closing in early 2009. The site is now occupied by frozen food retailer Iceland.